Friday, April 18, 2014

The old saying that "Moderation is the Key to Healthy Living" seems so true when it comes to food and our diet.

Follow this link to read Choosing the Right Diet for Me from the ChiroCenter One website.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Dr. Brian Jongeward is a member of the National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners. As of May 21, 2014 DOT driver exams can only be performed by Certified Medical Examiners.

Commercial Drivers are required to have DOT physical examinations for a CDL at least every 2 years, and more often in some instances.
The examination includes vision, hearing, blood pressure, lab tests, and a physical examination.
Once all criteria are met, the driver will be issued a Medical Examiner's Certificate and given a copy of the long form.

Go to ChiroCenter One's Website for more information.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

ChiroCenter One's New Website.

ChiroCenter One has a new website that will be useful for new patients and existing patients alike.

New patients can find answers to all the common questions people have about chiropractic in general, our clinic and Dr. Brian Jongeward, and our general procedures and what to expect on your visit.

Existing patients will find our bi-weekly newsletter and health topics informative, and there is a great animated exercise and stretching section for your at-home care.

Please click on ChiroCenter One Website to go to the webpage, and don't forget to subscribe to our blog for the most recent information.

Thank you for taking the time to follow ChiroCenter One,

Dr. Brian V. Jongeward